Our vision is to see the members of our church, the city of Greensboro, and the globe, transformed by the Gospel, and set on fire to take the Gospel to their neighbors, their family and the nations.
Our vision is to see the members of our church, the city of Greensboro, and the globe, transformed by the Gospel, and set on fire to take the Gospel to their neighbors, their family and the nations.
Our Connection Group ministry is foundational for connecting people to the church. When referring to the church the bible uses word pictures like Family of God, Bride of Christ, and Body of Christ. Therefore our time together is intended to be a healthy family experience where we study God’s word, care for one another, and live on mission together.
We strive for authentic community where people can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, and minister and be ministered to. Hopefully this guide will help you connect to a group based on age, season of life, or other relational commonalities or maybe there is a new group starting soon.
“Love my connection group, we have made so many dear friends, that I know we can count on to love and pray for us.”